Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hunger games lab

Hunger games lab

1.In this lab we did a simulation of what goes on in nature when different species get food and it showed how some species grew and their population became larger while other became smaller. And this stimulated how natural selection works.

2. The phenotype that was best at capturing food was the pincher, and this species was the best at capturing the most food because it had a greater and more efficient way of picking up the food and the food was also the right size for it. 

3. The population did evolve and I know this because the frequency of the "A" allele went from .50 to .17 and the frequency of the "a" went from .50 to .83. So this showed that the pinchers got more food and had more offsprings with the "a" allele and the stumpys with the "A" allele didn't get as much food ans started to die out. 

4. The events in this lab that were not random was the picking of who to mate with while the random was what allele would be picked from the mating and what offspring it would create. Another random event was how the food would be layed out and how much food there would be. 

5. If the food was another size like bigger like the size between a ping pong ball and a baseball ball the stumpys would have a greater advantage over the knucklers because the food would be too  big for them to pickup. So the stumpys population would go up, the knucklers population would go down and the pinchers would probably stay at a population and i might move just a little bit. 

6. If there was not a incomplete dominance in this lab then there would probably be only mating between the pichers to pinchers and the stumpys to stupmys and that would cause the different allele groups to separate and they would create two different populations on as stumpys and one as the pinchers. Another case would be that the stumpys would have a hard time picking up the food causing the pinchers to be the only ones in the population or the other way.

7. The relationships between natural selection and evolution is that the natural selection favors on certain phenotypes causing only some to be able to pass on their alleles and some alleles would die of and that would cause a difference in populations and in the future evolution.

8. Some strategies that individuals or groups adopted where quickness on getting the food or/and mating with a specific group that would cause their offspring to be the best possible. This would have caused the best alleles to be greater but the individuals or groups that would not get as much food would try to adopt the other groups strategies and their population might grow but then would be out numbered by the other groups.

9. In evolution the different alleles evolves and this creates a evolution in the population. Natural selection works on the genotypes by making only the individuals with the good alleles keep their genotype but over time it could change the genotype and also the phenotype if a population has competition with another population. Because then they would need to change to be able to win and pass on their alleles. In nature many different species would adapt to the strategies of different species or alleles to get a greater advantage. And a example would be like a rabbit population and in the population they would all get new strategies to be able to mate with the best.

10. A question that I have is have humans have to compete with another species to win and pass on our alleles and win over the other species to get where we are now. And If another species would have won would they be the at the place where we are and be the on of the strongest species on earth.

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