Monday, March 28, 2016

3rd blogpost

These 2 weeks I have continued to research my project in more depth and started to look and see if they have books about it.

1.I have learned that not so many people now about my project and thats why not that much change has happened in trying to help it, and thats a big problem.
2. I have learned that I when I am really passionate in something I will really get distracted in it and my full attention will be on the thing.
3.I have had some stepbacks on how I will be showing my project, but I have solved it by doing a powerpoint.
4.The next steps in my process is to gather more information and continue working on my plan and strt working on my powerpoint.
5. I can use what I have learned to help me save things that I can in my community like a creek or even a park.

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