Thursday, March 17, 2016

2nd blog post

2nd blog post
        For the past weeks I have done a lot of research on my project, mostly researching and looking at the Nasa project called CORAL. I have also started to think on what I should be writing for my plan on how to save the corals.

1. I have learned a lot about my project including how long the corals will last if we dont do anything about trying to help it. And how the Nasa project CORAL is going and what information they are getting. 

2. I have learned about myself that I am very stubborn because i will go searching for something and I will leave knowing it. Like when I need to have a specific information I will only stop researching it when I have found the information I needed.

3.I have actually not run into any problems so far.

4. My next steps are too continue researching and start working on my plan which will be about what we can do to save the coral reefs.

5. What I have learned and what I will be doing is also something that can be related to communities because communities also have to make plans on how to make the world better.

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