Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Unit 5 reflection

Unit 5 reflection

In this lab we learned the basics of DNA and how proteins are made. We learned how DNA unzips, then it matches and the result is to identical strands. What the structure and function is of our code and what DNA stands for which is Deoxy= without oxygen, Ribo= has carbose sugar in it, Nucleic= in nucleus, Acid= pH of less than 7. Then lastly we learned how the protein is made, first in this process is the transcription ( in the muscles) then last translation where the protein is finished of. This unit was one of the shortest, but it was also the hardest because it had the most complicated processes. My strengths were  when the DNA code is written into mRNA form and then into protein language. My weaknesses were the process of the mRNA leaving the nucleus and traveling to the ribosome.

The most important skill that I learned was how you convert a DNA to a protein that the body uses. First in this process the RNA polymerase reads and then copies the DNA code as a mRNA copy. Then the mRNA leaves the nucleus to go to a ribosome. When it has arrived at a nucleus the ribosome reads the mRNA and then each codon codes for one amino acid. As a result long chains of amino acids twists together and becomes a protein.

I think all of this information has helped me become a better student and understand how protein are made and how important DNA and the process of making it into a protein is. I want to learn more about the structure of our code like double helix, and the two types it come in, double and single ringed.

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