Friday, December 4, 2015

DNA extraction lab

DNA extraction lab

In this lab we asked the question, How can DNA be separated from cheek cells in order to study it? We found that in order to remove cells from your cheeks  you had to swish around gatorade in your mouth and to bite your cheeks. We found that we saw the DNA when the DNA was reacted with the gatorade and the fluids. Scientist have said that to be able to see the DNA after adding all the soap, juice and saliva you have to add a nonpolar liquid because DNA is polar, and the nonpolar liquid is alcohol. This data supports our claim because the data said that you would see the DNA after adding the alcohol which we predicted and it happened.

While our hypothesis was supported by our data, that when the nonpolar liquid would be added to the polar DNA you could see the DNA. There could have been error due to that we poured in the alcohol too fast which made it mix with the other liquid, and it affected our results because it didn't make it possible to see the DNA. Another error was that we didn't scrape our cheeks enough to get many cheek cells off which affected because we couldn't see a lot of DNA, there was only a little. Due to these errors, in future experiments I would reccomend to be careful when doing the steps and to do exactly what it says, like pouring the alcohol very slowly in, and to add the amount of something you're supposed to do like scraping your cheeks more.  

This lab was done to demonstrate how you're able to see DNA by adding different things like enzymes, histone, and catabolics. From this lab I learned how DNA is extracted and that DNA is insoluble in alcohol , which helps me understand the concept of DNA and cells more in depth. Based on my experience from this lab i can apply this to other labs to help me get the results i would want.

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