Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Protein Synthesis Lab

Protein Synthesis Lab

  1. First step that you have to do is makeup a DNA strand like ATGCACGTA. Next you have to transcript it in mRNA form, and after that the mRNA travels to the ribosome. Then you have to Translate it to the chain of amino acid would result, and to make a protein. And last make sure that it has a stop in the end otherwise it doesn't stop.

  1. To change the DNA sequence order or to mutated it you could either use deletion, substitution, or insertion. When you use deletion you delete one letter which makes a big difference. For substitution you change a letter for another letter. And last you can use insertion where you insert a random letter into the DNA sequence. There is no special place where you should mutate the DNA.

  1. For step 7 when we got to choose our own mutation, I choose the mutation that did the most difference in my opinion which was deletion. I choose this because I wanted to see how different and how much difference it caused. It doesn't matter where the mutation occurs, but in my trials it makes the most difference when it's in the front.

  1. A mutation could affect our life drmatically, even if one letter is changed in the DNA it can cause a big mutation or disease or it could be small. Tay-Sachs disease is a disease caused by the mutation of a single gene. The disease causes nerves in the cell and spinal cord to get destroyed.

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