Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Recombinant DNA lab

In this lab we used the antibiotic that our plasmid would provide resistance to. Out of ampicillin, tetracyline, and kanamycin my group and I chose the kanamycin. We randomly chose this antibiotic and not aware of what it would do in the recombinant DNA procedure. We didnt chose the other ones because they were further away from the insulin gene. A restriction enzyme is a bacterial enzyme that is the major tool of recombinant DNA technology. Our group chose the Eco R1 restriction enzyme. We chose this because it was the closets one to the insulin gene. If we chose a enzyme that cut the plasmid in two places the ring, which was the result would not be complete. This process is important in out daily life because we need to make insulin in order to digest the sugars we put in our bodies. This process can also be used to help in many medical procedures.

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