Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My inner fish

When watching the series Your Inner Fish I was really fascinated on how good the graphics were and that the graphics really helped to understand the topic well. The information they used was very good and it was very interesting to learn about. The first question that was really interesting to me was number 8. In my answer i wrote that he found out all the similarities between fish and humans, and when something goes wrong in development of a human your inner fish can come out, like a gill. And this shows that humans have a very strong connection to fish because they can have some of their characteristics. The last question that was interesting to me was number 11. For a answer to this question I wrote that the gene Sonic Hedgehog sends out a signal that tells the body to shape limbs like hands and fingers. And if the Sonic Hedgehog is sent out to much it will create extra limbs or anything like that. These questions were really interesting to me because they were really good information recaps. And this series made me understand way more about our evolution.

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