Thursday, May 26, 2016

20 time final post

 Here is a link to my 20 time post:

 I did my 20 time project on how we can help save corals and why we should help them.

Here is my 20 time ted talk:


I feel like my ted talk went really well, but I feel like I could have tried not to read of my note cards as much as I did. I feel like I deserved the grade that I got and I am happy with the grade that I got.  For preparing for this talk I worked not that much on a presentation but on more what I was going to say during the ted talk. But I feel like I prepared enough for the talk itself and I feel like it went well. I have grown a lot on how to give presentations and how to talk more than just show something from a presentation.

Pig dissection Relate and Review

During this whole process of dissecting and labeling the pigs organs, I learned a lot more about the anatomy of our bodies and also the pigs. And this lab really helped me understand all the information about the organs and I understood the unit way more after this lab. During the dissection i participated in pointing out the organs and describing the functions and I also helped a little bit with cutting the pig. Our group had some setbacks but we also worked well together on creating a good video that was had the right information in it. So this lab was really fun and it was a good learning process as well.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

20 Time Individual Reflection

20 Time Individual Reflection

I challenged myself through this whole process of 20 time by researching things that could help me make a plan to help coral reefs. Also it was especially challenging to find people who were trying to do the same as me and see what they had done. I did this challenge because its a very important topic and I also really enjoy corals and I would love to be able to help them in some way. And my goal was to try to reach out to people to get their attention on this issue and if I could try to come up with a plan. My plan was to try to build on others peoples plan and ideas. Sadly I didn't have enough time to come up with a good ans stable plan but I have been able to reach out to people. But I did learn a lot about my project and how important coral reefs and it was really interesting to learn. If I could do this project again I would try to set goals that would be easier to achieve and I would be able to achieve. I would continue to do this project and try to reach out to more people. Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Unit 9 reflection

Unit 9 Reflection

In this unit I learned all the different classifications to different organisms. We also learned how we humans evolved and other organisms like dogs etc. We classified all the organisms into different groups like invertebrates where you see how they are related and also into a big group called the chordates. But in these groups there are more classes like agnatha which is a jawless fish, condricthyes which is a cartilaginous fish with jaws, and so on. And what I want to learn more about is the amphibians because they are so unique and interesting. 

For my What On Earth Evolved presentation i studied dogs and how they evolved and became mans best friend. I think the presentation went really well and since I have a dog I knew a lot of the information but some things were new and they were really interesting facts. In my next presentation which is a Ted Talk I will try to need read of the slides as much and try to memorize the information more than I did for the WEE presentation.
                                                                                     Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Here is my What On Earth Evolved Presentation:  What On Earth Evolved

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My inner fish

When watching the series Your Inner Fish I was really fascinated on how good the graphics were and that the graphics really helped to understand the topic well. The information they used was very good and it was very interesting to learn about. The first question that was really interesting to me was number 8. In my answer i wrote that he found out all the similarities between fish and humans, and when something goes wrong in development of a human your inner fish can come out, like a gill. And this shows that humans have a very strong connection to fish because they can have some of their characteristics. The last question that was interesting to me was number 11. For a answer to this question I wrote that the gene Sonic Hedgehog sends out a signal that tells the body to shape limbs like hands and fingers. And if the Sonic Hedgehog is sent out to much it will create extra limbs or anything like that. These questions were really interesting to me because they were really good information recaps. And this series made me understand way more about our evolution.