Saturday, February 27, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection

Unit 7 Reflection

In this Unit we learned how to know if a ecosystem if healthy and how to keep it healthy or to make one healthy. We also learned how the ecosystems work throughout a ecosystem and if one animal get extinct or threatened it can change the hole food change and it could go out of balance. Then we also learned how the population can decide whether a ecosystem is healthy like if the population grows rapidly the ecosystem can loose all of its supplies and the ecosystem can go into a sort of crisis.  And lastly we learned how we can help save ecosystems and our nature. I want to learn more about how we can help things that we have destroyed. 

During our conservation biologist project a lot of things went well but one big part that was that we had great collaboration and we worked great together which made our project easy to work on and good. One thing that didn't go well was that we didn't have all the requirements but we had a lot of excess information but I though it was good that we had this excess information because it then showed more about the ecosystem. I learned a lot about the Amazon and how greatly effects the world around us and how greatly it can effect the world if we continue to hurt it. 

Link to our Project:

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