Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Egg macromolecule lab

In this lab we asked the question, can macromolecules be identified in an egg cell. For the egg membrane we got that polysaccharides was present. We got this because the color changed to black and with a color change of 4. And we know that polysaccharide might be present there because carbohydrates are always present on the surface of the cell. For the egg white we got that protein was present because the color changed to a very dark blue, almost purple. And we know that it should be present in the egg white because proteins are used for development and enzymes. For the egg yolk part of the cell we got that monosaccharides are present because the color changed to green/yellow. They should are present there because they are used for energy. This supports our claim because we thought that all of these macromolecules would be present where they are, like proteins had a color change of 6 in the egg yolk so it is present, while monosaccharides had a color change of only 3 so it is not present.

One error that might have affected our results was that out egg broke. While Cameron was washing the egg, and taking the white layer of shell off she pressed on the egg a little to hard so the egg popped. And due to this we had to use a pipet to suck up the egg white, and use a spoon to pick up the egg yolk. This might have our results because the egg yolk and white might have gotten mixed together, so when we tested we tested on a mix of egg white and egg yolk. A second error that we did was when we were getting the amount of egg yolk we needed, we took too much because we couldn't get the right amount. And this might have affected it so the color didn't change as much as it would because we had too much yolk and to little of the things we would add to it. In future experiments we could have been more careful on washing the egg or handling fragile items carefully and take more time to measure the amount needed.

The purpose of this lab was to show how different macromolecules can be present in so many things in a egg or in like a  animal or plant. This relates to the egg diagram that we did in class and also the vodcasts. This lab could be applied to real life situations by knowing what macromolecules you would need to eat to grow and help your cells.

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