Monday, September 21, 2015

Unit 2 reflection

This unit was about the essentials of biology. It showed that atoms have a nucleus made of protons and neutrons, and electrons surround the nucleus. Protons are positively charged, neutrons have no charge and electrons have a negative charge. The basic of chemical reactions and bonding. What is needed to create a chemical bonding and what is made from it. It also shows what changes in a chemical bonding. Showed the pH of things. And that a pH below 7 is acidic and a pH above 7 is a base. Things that are acidic include, lemon juice, milk, and tomato juice. Some things that are a base is laundry detergent, and some cleaning supplies. And lastly it thought us about the 4 macro-molecules. These include carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. They all have very different jobs, but all of them have important roles in the human body. And how enzymes help with many reactions.

Some strengths that i thought I had about this unit was the structure of the atoms. The pH scale, and the 4 macro-molecules. I thought i could learn more about these and thought they were more interesting. Chemical bonding was one I didn't understand as much as the other. I think I didn't understand this one as well because there was a lot information to connect to the main idea. But i think working in groups on labs and projects helped me understand some of these topics more than i would by myself.

I learned a lot from this unit and labs. But some specifics were how the 4 macro-molecules really work together to help build the body. And also some benefits they have, and how much of each one you should consume. I also learned how to work in groups to get the results you are looking for, like in a lab.

I think i am a better student today than yesterday because i learned a lot more that i can take and apply to real life situations.

I want to learn more about the process of chemical bonding. Like all the things needed to do one and what are made. I also want to learn about enzymes.


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