Monday, April 18, 2016

4th blog post

In these last two weeks I have researched more about the problems of the coral reefs and not how to help them because I also want to give background information about the reefs before I say a plan on how we can help them. I have had a little setback on finding information on how to save them. Because its a really hard thing to do so its hard to find information about it. But I think that I will be able to get that information I need an make a good plan on how to save coral reefs.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Invertibrate of your choice

The invertebrate that i choose was the jellyfish which is in the family of cnidaria. Jellyfish have been living in the ocean way before the dinosaurs even existed which makes them the oldest multi-organ animal. The jellyfish does not have a respiratory, circulatory or digestive system, but they do have manubrium which connects the mouth and the anus at the base of the bell. The jellyfish have a loose network of nerves which is located in the epidermis. Some jellyfish have a lifespan of only a fe hours while some have a few months, but some deep sea jellyfish can leave to a few years.